While steel buildings are universally known for their cost-saving capabilities, they still require a considerable investment. With that in mind, it’s important to budget accordingly when preparing to purchase a steel building. If you’re in the early planning stages of a new steel building, now is the time to start planning your budget by considering these factors.
This is probably obvious, but the biggest cost variable is how big your building needs to be. The bigger the building, the more material you’ll need, and more material means more costs. The first step in budget planning is to determine the rough square footage of the steel building as well as ceiling heights.
Whether your building is for residential or commercial purposes, you’ll likely need to buy some sort of construction permit. These permits will differ in price depending on what city you’re building in. While you’re talking with the city, you’ll also want to ask how much it will cost to run utilities like power and water to your building.
If you’re not doing the construction yourself, you’ll need to budget for the cost of construction labor. Thanks to our many years of experience, we have a fantastic network of steel building contractors who can take care of the construction for you.
No matter what stage of the process you’re at, the staff at Lucas Metal Works is happy to assist you with design, budgeting, securing financing, and anything else you need to get the perfect steel building.